
02 February 2014

This Last Week

The boys sure love their bath time.  If you make the photo larger you can see the water splashing everywhere.

The boys are always finding fun new things to do in the bathtub.  This reminds me of the little puppies we had growing up who would play tug-o-war over a scrunchy.

 Charlie likes to gather up all of the chairs in the kitchen to make a train.  We took the caboose chair from our neighbor's sidewalk (a free giveaway).  The chair just behind Henry had the back broken off.

 Henry likes to "cook" his cars.

Along with knowing where the pots are Henry knows where the kid cups are.  Whenever he wants a drink of water he goes into the cupboard, gets a cup, brings it to me, signs "more water," walks over to the water dispenser and sits on the ground to wait.  He knows that he has to sit to drink water.  He drinks so much water throughout the day.  He asks me for water at least three times an hour and some of those times he gets his cup refilled multiple times.  Granted he only gets about 1-2 inches of water, but he drinks a lot of water.

Charlie loves to put his animal alphabet train together.  He has memorized which animals go together and doesn't need too much help anymore.  He is always so proud of himself for putting it together. 

Charlie and Henry really enjoy being "naked".  Charlie tells me everyday that he doesn't want clothes and wants to be naked.  His definition of being naked is not wearing a shirt.  Speaking of being naked...  Today at church Charlie was looking at pictures of Jesus during the sacrament and when he saw the picture of Jesus on the cross he said nice and loud, "Jesus naked!"  Thanks Charlie.  I am sure everyone within ten pews around us heard that.

Some good things that Charlie likes to talk about is being happy.  He understands that being happy provides more privileges.  When at Walmart he likes to go play on the little toys where you pay to have it go (he doesn't know that they do that though).  He knows that if he is happy when it is time to go home then he can do it again next time.  So whenever we leave he tells me that he is happy.  When Henry is crying about something or when Charlie wants to cry but decides to use his words to communicate he tells me that he is happy.  I really love having Charlie tell me throughout the day all of the times (at least 20) that he is happy.  It helps me to realize that he really is being happy and trying to control his emotions by using his words to communicate his needs and wants.

We bought a truck a while back.  It is the silver one on the left.  Charles brought the work truck home (dark silver on right) for the weekend so we could take it to the temple in D.C.  At work Charles creates new parts for the work truck and then they have to test them out.

Speaking of our temple trip to the D.C. temple, Charlie knows all about the temple.  We have lots of temple pictures in the home and he points to them all and says, "Mommy, Daddy, temple.  Henry, Charlie, stay."  He knows that the temple has something to do with church and it is Jesus' house.  He and Henry don't mind having us go to the temple or on dates because they love their babysitter and so do we.  She cleaned our entire house for us and she even took out the trashes.

 We went to Sweet Frog, a frozen yogurt place, for a fun family outing.  Charlie pointed out all of the frogs.

 Henry pointed out all of the balls which were really lights.

Charles getting his frozen yogurt. 

Me after we were done eating. 

Henry has learned from Charlie that it is fun to put diapers into the trashcan.  Charlie is going to be out of a job and not earning money if he doesn't watch out.

Charlie likes to be a goat and smash his head into other people's heads.  Here he started doing it to Henry's tummy.  They both thought it was the best entertainment ever.

I started regrowing store-bought used green onions.  They took a little bit of time to get going, but really took off.  I am really excited to use them.  I'll never buy green onions again!  Money saved.

 Here I am at about 29 weeks pregnant (just over 6 months).  I think this is the first official pregnancy photo this time, I am becoming a slacker :(

 Charlie wanted a photo taken just like Mommy.

 The content of the scriptures is true, but the way my scriptures look is not so good.  The actual cover of my scriptures is coming apart and chunks of pages are coming apart.

 Charles said that the price of repairing them (Charles repaired lots of books when working at the BYU library) would be more than just buying new ones :(  Nothing like having to transfer all of my scripture markings over, again!  I think the boys were the biggest factor in my scriptures coming apart, heck, Charlie ripped the first few pages of 1st Samuel right out about a year or so ago.

At church today Charlie's new nursery leaders (he is now in senior nursery!) told me that he is the best behaved little boy ever.  They just kept raving about how good he is.  I told them that he LOVES nursery and tells me all about it, right down to what they ate for snack.  They were surprised that he gives such a detailed report of everything.  He brings up nursery at least once everyday.

1 comment:

Myrna said...

This is me, hitting the "like" button!