
23 February 2014

Barstools, Potty, Elephants, Klondike, and Dance Party

I never blog with any intent of making my life seem easy or amazing.  My intent is to help me record the good, happy memories of our family so that we can remember them later when our minds have failed us.  Just thought I would throw that out there.

We don't have a bar for our barstools in our home here so they have been primarily used as ladders or work benches.  They have gotten very dirty since being out here.  I decided to recover them and redo the cushion.  I didn't want them all the same fabric, but wanted them to match the areas of the home they are assigned to and to match each other nicely when together.

 The one on the left looks like an olive green in the photos, but it is more of a brown with a slight hint of green.

Henry is now tall enough to climb up onto everyone's bed and the couch.  He will still ask for help though sometimes when he is lazy or tired.

I had a dream about a week ago of having Henry use the potty.  I decided, what the heck, lets try it.  The first time I told him to go use the potty he knew exactly what to do.  He loves using it and getting a treat (a tic tac).  You can see him reaching for the treats that are up on the counter.  He knows that before a treat he has to grunt a few times to signify that he tried to use the potty.  He still is in a diaper and everything, but enjoys being a big boy like Charlie.  He has a sign for potty.  We are just working on him actually using the sign before he poops.

The English language is pretty messed up; it took me many years to become okay with that.  Today Henry was lying on our bed kicking Charles for the heck of it.  Charles sweetly told Henry to, "Knock it off."  Charlie promptly decided to help by knocking on Henry.  We tried to explain the phrase to him, but he kind of gave us this glazed over look of, "You are so confusing and I am just going to stop listening now."

I love the ways that little kids decide to say certain words.  Charlie says, "Elephant" so cutely.  He is telling me about the elephants in, "The Jungle Book."

Charles went on a Klondike campout with the Boy Scouts.  He wasn't thrilled out of his mind to go to say the least, but he bucked up and went.  Right after he got home we went to the church to help put together more of the ward dance.  Charles DJ'ed the dance and I talked to a lady the entire time.  Charlie ate food the entire time and Henry wanted to be held since he was so tired.  I did dance a little, but the combination of an extra 20 lbs on my bladder and dancing just didn't mix very well.  I was thinking ahead and brought the boys' PJ's since I knew they would fall asleep in the car.  Lo and behold, I was right even though Charlie kept telling me that he wasn't tired by saying so adamantly, "I awake."

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