
08 July 2011

Recovering Great

Little Charlie is starting out his recovery on the right foot.  He no longer has the ventilator that would breath for him.  His catheter is out and he now has a feeding tube so he can finally fill his little tummy with Mommy's milk.  He looks wonderful and as my Mom would add, "His color looks great!"

Here at the hospital my Mom has been trying to figure out anything that she could possibly do for him.  She spent about an hour slowly putting lotion on him (with the nurses permission) and cleaning every part of him.  She checks his diaper.  Always watching his numbers on the monitor and asking the nurse so many questions.  I am glad that she is here with me and has some medical background so she knows all the drugs that he is on.


Mustang Suzie said...

Annette, this sounds so good. It's wonderful that your mom can be there with you and little Charlie.

BJ said...

Glad to hear he is doing well.