
27 September 2012

Charlie Wants to Be Like Daddy

I know that I just posted that Charlie is such a boy, BUT HE IS!  I do normal female things a lot of the day and that is what Charlie often sees, but has he ever tried to copy me?  Nope.  He likes to do what Daddy does.  He shovels in the dirt, tries to use the hoe, and has even gone so far as trying to hitch the bolder to the back of the Benz to haul it across the yard like he has seen Daddy do.  Today while I was getting dressed he brought me one of Charles shirts wanting me to put it on him.  He was so proud to be wearing one of Daddy's shirts!  He eventually got a little fed up with how big it was and was done wearing it, but did want it again later.  I like how he grabbed a high heel to hold.  He must like them just like Daddy.

We went through Butterfield Canyon (it is through the mountain range between Salt Lake and Grantsville) last Sunday.  The Fall colors were amazing!  Here is a picture, but it by far doesn't even come close to doing the grandure and majesty of it all justice.

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