
18 April 2010

Our Life...

I decided that it would be fun to put up this photo from my mom's wedding as our blog title photo (For those of you who only read the email and do not look at the blog, you will have to actually go there to see the photo that I am referring to). I think this is Nathan's best photo :)

Finals have been going .... and leaving me behind. I will probably end up with some average grades this semester. I was quite excited that I got a B on my Articulation test because my teacher told us last minute that the test would only be offered this Friday and Saturday which threw off my entire schedule. I was planning to take it next Wednesday because it would be my hardest.

Charles is very excited about his new job that starts TOMORROW! It will be sad not to have him around all the time and now means that I either have to ride the bus everywhere or learn to drive our car (its a manual). I am not sure which is worse, I guess we will find out because I will probably end up doing both :(

Charles has been spending his last few days of freedom planting the garden. He planted the carrots, broccoli, potatoes, beets, honeydew, cilantro, tomatoes, and onions. We are hoping that things will do well outside and that all of the little seeds will grow. Charles is now so tan. It is ridiculous how fast he tans. Oh well, it just means that I will look ghostly white next to him.


Nathan and Colleen said...

David and I really appreciate the text in our faces. We object! We all know you put it because YOU look good. Crop the rest of us out, eh!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I changed the text so it isn't in your face, at least that is how I see it. Go look at it again.

Janie :) said...

No, it's still there...

Anonymous said...

Well I don't see it on my screen, so I went onto Charles computer to see what it looked like and it was there. So I went in and changed it from his computer and it still didn't work. I guess Google is tailoring there things to Mac these days and that is why it doesn't work perfect on those with a PC. :)

Janie :) said...

Ok now it looks better :)