A note from the Martin family this Christmas:
This year has been fun and exciting!
Charlie (5 years old) has been loving Kindergarten and soaking up all of the knowledge. He loves math and does it just for fun.
Henry (4 years old) enjoys his time with Elizabeth while Charlie is at school. He enjoys dinosaurs, wearing his BYU hat, and playing with hair.
Elizabeth (2.5 years old) enjoys having her hair done every morning. She insists that we call her Yellow Princess. She loves the color yellow and will carry her princess books around as if they are her text books for life. Lizzy's other love in life is dogs and is ecstatic to see them.
Charles has been working at his new job that he began at the beginning of the year. At his job he designs the machines that make product for manufacturing companies. We had a home built this year and we are loving being in our own home. Charles built the kitchen in the basement of our home. We now have renters living there paying a portion of the mortgage. Annette has been busy unpacking and beautifying the home.
Merry Christmas!