Here is what we have done lately:
The Provo City Center Temple was dedicated on Palm Sunday which was quite amazing since we do the Hosanna Shout for a temple dedication and the Hosanna Shout happened on Palm Sunday when Christ rode into Jerusalem.
Charlie and Mommy built this awesome tower
The kids set up a fort under the ping pong table.
We got some American flags from Great G&G Tomas and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
I always like to try these photos, but usually they never turn out. This is the best we have ever had.
With it being warm Charlie has been riding his bike. Our determined Eliza climbed up onto it when he wasn't looking.
Charles and Annette took an impromptu trip to Vegas so Charles could talk to some of his company's customers, a tattoo shop and a brewing company. Vegas does have some amazing lights when driving in.
Charlie worked on his nudity.
And taught his siblings.
The kids fed themselves fruit and cereal one day for dinner when they were too hungry to wait for me to cook anything.
My sister and her kids came down from Idaho for their Spring break. We went on a fun walk up the Nebo Canyon.
It was still a little snowy in some areas.
We found a great place to eat lunch.
I was the donkey that got to haul Lizzy all the way up and back. Hee-haw.
Elizabeth got super sick with RSV that turned into pneumonia.
It lasted for about a week, three of those days were in the hospital.
She refused to eat and drink and only with modern medicine did she recover.
Without modern medicine she probably would have died.
To encourage her to eat once she started getting better Annette took photos of her and then showed them to her.
Annette also had to pretend to feed her dog.
She was pretty pathetic looking coming home, but we were anxious to get home and help Charlie and Henry who were also sick at home.
On Easter we stayed home from church since they were all still hacking up a lung and we really didn't want to spread it more than we already had.
Modern medicine has now saved the life of two of my three children, and oh how I am grateful for it.