
25 August 2013

Acclimating to the Home

Now that Charlie is in the prime of life, he has invented a new sport called foot-tennis-pong.
Charlie wanted to help remove the old nasty carpet so when I was done ripping it out, I let him wear the dust mask around.  I think he wore it longer than I did.
Henry gets a few more free passes from work around the house.  I think one is a good age to start intense physical labor.
We're working on modesty lessons for family home evening.  We hope this is the last time he uses his agency to dance around in a diaper shaking maracas.  
Henry wants to learn how to go down the stairs so badly, but we all know how that would turn out.  
And this is how he reacts when we revoke his agency.
Charlie is honing his cooking skills.  He wanted to cook a pancake so he stuck it in a pot and then got a ladel to try to remove it.  He stirred it with a whisk as well.

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